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Pets for Truckers: Adorable Co-Pilot or Absolute Chaos?

Around 40% of all truck drivers have a pet that travels with them on the road. If you are considering adding a furry friend to your truck cab, here are a few pros and cons to consider.


Alleviate Loneliness and Improve Health

Pets, both inside and outside the trucking world, have been proven to improve mental and physical health. Just petting a dog can elevate your happy hormones, decrease stress, and promote low blood pressure. While there are countless ways a pet can enhance your overall health, one of the biggest benefits for truckers is companionship. The road can be a lonely place, and a pet can be an amazing companion, providing someone to talk to on those long days.

Promote Exercise and Routine

Some truckers might see this as a con, but having a pet can encourage you to exercise and establish a more solid routine on the road. If you have a pet that needs walking, you’ll be walking too. Suddenly, you’re getting more exercise than you might have ever had as a trucker. Taking regular breaks for your pet’s needs also means you’re taking breaks to rest, eat, and use the bathroom, which can be a crucial safety measure against fatigue.

They’re Just So Cute

Do we really need to elaborate?


Trucking Company Rules and Regulations

Many trucking companies allow pets in their fleets, but there are usually regulations and sometimes fees. Typically, there are limitations on the kind and size of pets allowed, and you may need to pay a deposit to cover potential damages. If your chosen pet doesn’t meet your company’s requirements, you’ll need to find another solution.

Choosing the Right Pet

Along with your fleet’s regulations, consider what kind of pet you actually want. Pets come in all sizes, temperaments, and traits. Some drivers prefer training a puppy for life on the road, while others may opt for an older dog that enjoys long periods of relaxation. Consider the exercise needs, grooming requirements, and personality of the pet to ensure it’s a good fit for life in a truck.

Significant Responsibility

Pets are a big responsibility and can be costly. They need training, grooming, supplies, food, and regular vet visits. You’ll be responsible for their safety, keeping up with their documents, and cleaning up after them. It’s essential to decide if the added work and responsibility are worth it for you.

Many truck drivers love having their cuddly companion on the road, while others find it isn’t the right fit. Make sure to consider all the pros and cons before making this big decision.